
by Vera Caspary and George Sklar
Directed by Bethany Schoeff
Produced by Michael Fusco
Stage Manager Rowan Frazee

Production Kickoff: Aug 04, 2024

Audition: Aug 11, 2024

Performance Dates

Oct. 18, 19, 25, 26, Nov. 1, & 2, 2024 at 8:00PM
Oct. 27 & Nov. 3, 2024 at 2:00PM

Unless specifically noted, all roles are open to all regardless of race or ethnicity.

  • The age ranges listed for most roles are a general guide and not compulsory for this director's casting purposes. Actors of all cultures, ethnicities, and abilities are encouraged to audition.

  • Mark McPherson – (M, 30 - 45) NYPD detective on the Laura Hunt murder case; shrewd and guarded with a dry sense of humor; walks with slight limp; falls in love with Laura from her portrait and in talking to her admirers.
  • Danny Dorgan – (M, late teens - early 20s) Fellow building resident; a New York kid whose rough and rather crude manner is to hide his sensitivity; musical protegé (classical pianist with aspirations for Julliard); his real passion is jazz music; in love with Laura much to his mother's dismay.
  • Waldo Lydecker – (M, 50s - 60s) A wealthy, relatively well-known writer; eccentric, grandiose, theatrical, effusive; a cultured elitist whose pet project is Laura; scorns everything that his meticulous taste rejects.
  • Bessie Clary – (F, 30 - 50) Laura's housekeeper and friend; New York Irish; independent, plain-spoken, respectable.
  • Shelby Carpenter – (M, 25 - 35) Laura's fiancé; slight southern accent; well-bred with easy and gracious mannerisms; sincere with a hint of mystery.
  • Mrs. Dorgan – (F, 40s - 50s) Danny's mom; sweet and refined with a touch of eccentricity; controlled, yet overwrought underneath.
  • A Girl – (F, 30s) smart, hardworking, self-assured and independent; a modern woman of her time; equally alluring and manipulative; hard to tell if she's deceptive or ingenuous.
  • Olsen – (M, 20s - 40s) a police officer; McPherson's subordinate.

Detective Mark McPherson is brought in to investigate the murder of Laura Hunt. When it's revealed that another woman might have been the intended victim, McPherson must determine the actual target while identifying the murderer as well as their motive. Each person in Laura's circle — including her fiancé, the housekeeper, fellow building residents, and her eccentric friend — seems suspect when their secrets are uncovered. With all the surprising twists and turns, can McPherson figure out whodunnit before the killer strikes again?

Bethany Schoeff (Director) returns to Curtain Players after having directed Present Laughter in 2022. She has been involved at the playhouse as a volunteer and an actor since 2010, appearing on Curtain's stage in Last Gas (Lurene), On Golden Pond (Chelsea), You Can't Take It with You (Gay Wellington/Grand Duchess), Blithe Spirit (Ruth), All My Sons (Ann Deever), and Communicating Doors (Poopay). Bethany has also participated as talent and crew in numerous other theatre productions as well as short films. For many years she directed musicals and skits at her church, and most recently she directed plays for Worthington Community Theatre, Aethereal Jest Arts Council, and Original Productions Theatre. Bethany's very first directing gig, however, came at age 5 when she would make her friends reenact Annie. Her favorite role is Mom to three amazing kids, one bonus son, and a precious pup. Bethany thanks her family and friends, especially her Babes, for their love and support.


  • Production Kickoff: Sun, Aug 04, 2024, 6:30 pm
  • Audition: Sun, Aug 11, 2024


Script review, auditions, and performances take place at:
Curtain Players Theatre
5691 Harlem Road, Galena, OH 43021

Curtain Players offers an information session for each of its productions as a help for actors seeking roles, but attendance is not required to audition. The event is an opportunity for actors to become acquainted with the community theatre organization, to discuss the play with the director, and to ask questions about the audition process, rehearsal period, and production plans. Those interested in working behind the scenes are also invited to attend.

Curtain Players conducts open auditions for its productions. Roles are not cast in advance, and, unless specified otherwise in the role's description, are open to all without regard to race or ethnicity. Casting decisions are made by the director and a casting committee comprised of a member of the theatre board, a general member of the organization, and individuals of the director's choosing.

Auditions will be cold readings from the script. Those who attend the production kickoff will have advance access to the sides.

Requests for an early audition for Laura must be made no later than July 28, 2024.

Questions related to the audition process may be directed to

Rehearsals will be Sunday - Thursday evenings, although we probably won't meet every day to start. The Director will take into account cast availability and preferences, so please list all known conflicts on your audition form (this will not affect your ability to be cast unless there is an excessive amount of planned absences or if you'll be missing tech week (October 13 - 17) or any performance).

Rehearsals for our productions begin in an offsite location, to be determined for each production. Approximately one month before opening night, rehearsals move into the Harlem Road playhouse.
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