
by Lee Blessing
Directed by Aynn Titchenal
Produced by Kathy Hyland
Stage Manager Kathy Hyland

Oct. 21, 22, 28, 29, Nov. 4, & 5, 2022 at 8:00PM
Oct. 30 & Nov. 6, 2022 at 2:00PM

Sarah Bender (Echo), Mony Carpenter (Dorthea), & Shelly Riggs (Artie)

In this dramatic work by Lee Blessing, three generations of highly intelligent and freethinking women attempt to reconcile years of family dysfunction. Dorothea was a repressed housewife and mother of three sons and a daughter, Artemis (Artie), whom she favored. She discovered that being an eccentric suited her perfectly and spent a lifetime thrusting her wild ideas and beliefs onto an unappreciative and doubting Artemis. Artemis ran away from Dorothea as soon as she could and kept on the move until she married and had a daughter of her own. She named her Barbara, but Dorothea renamed the child Echo and began to teach her everything from Ancient Greek to calculus. What Echo loves most is words and spelling. The title of the show comes from the winning word that Echo spelled correctly at the National Spelling Bee. The play jumps backward and forward in time. As one character relives a memory, the other two play themselves as they were during that time. In one memory, Echo portrays herself as a three-month-old. At the beginning of the play, Dorothea has suffered a stroke and is bedridden and catatonic for several scenes. Throughout the play, however, she takes part in her memories and then transitions back to the present, trapped in her minimally responsive body. The director and actors in Eleemosynary have the challenge of making these memory scenes feel authentic with smooth transitions and blocking.

Rated PG13

Presented by arrangement with Dramatists Play Service, Inc.

Purchase tickets online for any upcoming show!

or call 614-392-7444.