Red Herring

by Michael Hollinger
Directed by Ruth Luketic

May 3, 4, 10, 11, 17, & 18, 2024 at 8:00PM
May 5 & 19, 2024 at 2:00PM
Pay-What-You-Will Preview: May 2

Cory Baker (Andrei Borchevsky/Petey/Dr. Kasden/Herbert/Corpse/Voice Over), Doug Browell (Joseph McCarthy Voice Over), Jen Chimbidis (Maggie Pelletier), Brian Henry (Frank/Major Hartwell/Priest/Voice Over), Chelsea Martins (Mrs. Kravitz/Mrs. McCarthy/Mrs. Van Nostrand/Voice Over), Gabriella Pecci (Lynn McCarthy/Clerk/Voice Over), & Zach Shafer (James Appel/Woody/Harry/Bartender/Voice Over)

Three love stories, a murder mystery, and a nuclear espionage plot converge in this noir comedy about marriage and other explosive devices. It's 1952: America's on the verge of the H-bomb, Dwight Eisenhower's on the campaign trail, and I Love Lucy's on Monday nights. Meanwhile, Senator Joe McCarthy's daughter just got engaged to a Soviet spy, and Boston detective Maggie Pelletier has to find out who dumped the dead guy in the Harbor - or else lose out on a honeymoon in Havana. A blunt-nosed, sharp-eyed look at love and tying (and untying, and retying) the knot.

Presented by arrangement with Dramatists Play Service

Purchase tickets online for any upcoming show!

or call 614-392-7444.